Sunday 10 April 2011

Green man! It’s show time.

Busking is a way of life for some people and for others it’s the only way to make money.   It’s very common to see buskers working the traffic lights here.  When lights change and the green man is illuminated the buskers stand in front of the cars and perform for forty-five seconds until the green man flashes.  It appears that most motorists give a few coins and on a busy day the buskers could possibly make a decent income.
There are musicians, jugglers on skateboards, a drunk being charmed by her partner’s saxophone all performing in short bursts under the watchful eye of the green man.

On Saturday we went to the bus terminal to buy our tickets to Mendoza and came across a busker who takes out the award for dedication.  Not only is he a juggling stilt walker who would pirouette and do 360­0 turns with one leg behind his back but have a look at how his homemade stilts are attached.

Packaging tape.  This shows real dedication to the art here.  Toilet breaks involve more than just undoing a few buckles. 

The Consejo Nacional de la Cultural Artes located in Plaza Sotomayor and is a two storey art gallery.  The upper level contains fantastic metallic creations that makes old torpedos, number plates and bore drill bits into pieces of contemporary artwork. 

Downstairs has the more traditional painting and print works.  This gallery was a great little find for a lazy Sunday afternoon.

El Plan becomes a ghost town on Sundays, much to the delight of these cyclists.  Bike riding in mass must be unusual as several of them had some sort of noise making device going to warn of their arrival.  Much like the first automobiles were preceded by a flag-waving lackey.  One rider constantly squeezed a bike horn and Indiana said, “That would get annoying after awhile.”    

We’re enjoying living a simpler lifestyle here and trying not to weigh ourselves down with clutter.  Our children constantly impress us with their ingenuity for entertaining themselves without the masses of toys they were used to in Australia.  Today they found a piece of dowel from the back of a chair and managed to make a variety of games with it by rolling it down the streets as we walked to El Plan.  Good old fashioned play gladdens the heart.

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