Friday 10 June 2011

Rainbows and lollipops.

It’s my last night as a twenty nine year old.  Apparently turning 30 is not all about me.   This morning I skyped my parents and had a little whinge about the lose of my twenties when my mum informed me that she was far worse off then I as she now had to come to terms with the fact that her baby was thirty.  Luckily my darling husband chimed in and said, how do you think I feel I’m not married to a twenty something anymore. 

Another performance of Protest Lake took place today.  The protestors (we’re unsure of their motivation) approach from one side ready with their placards.  The carabineros drove up in their green buses with windows covered in mesh.  The water canon also made a special guest appearance.  We find it’s best not to hang around and see what develops.  At the moment there are two main groups of people protesting.  The first is to stop the damming of part of Patagonia.  The other group is the uni students who want free education.  


  1. Talluah, felicidades en tu cumpleaños!
    For sure you had a great day with those beauty girls!
    Happy birthday!!!!

  2. Hi guys, love the blog, just came across it. Yo soy Australiano tambien, I married a Chilena so we will be heading to Chile later this year. Will be following your blog with interest before I head over :)

    Cheers, Dan.

  3. Murals are weird, interesting and quirky all at the same time!
